Have ever been on a bus, train, or plane, and suddenly realised someone was looking at your screen? It seems that our eyes are drawn to screens. Sometimes while checking your email, banking, or Facebook in a public place you can just feel people looking over your shoulder, and it’s a very uncomfortable feeling. And, without meaning to, we probably do it ourselves: we are on public transport, minding our own business, and we casually glance around and our eyes come to rest on the screen of the person sitting next to us. And there we are, looking right at their most private information! But what if the person looking at your screen is not just a casual bystander watching you play Solitaire? What if that person just saw something you’d prefer that no-one else ever saw?
Most of us use our devices every day and they often contain all our personal and private data, like our financial information, photos and videos, private emails and so on, and we can sometimes become a little too blasé about keeping our private information just that – private! Having someone see our personal information, or sneakily taking a photograph of what we’re working on, is an invasion of our privacy, but it’s really up to us to ensure that we take appropriate measures to safeguard our classified data. Visual hacking has become an incredibly serious security threat; one we shouldn’t ignore. So, how can we safeguard our personal information? Our first line of defence against visual hacking is to use a privacy filter. Now that we understand just how common and easy visual hacking is today, we need to take a step further than solid encryption technologies and strong passwords to protect ourselves, our identity, and our private information.
The answer is to use a privacy filter on our screens. Privacy filters are actually quite low-tech: basically, they consist of a polarised plastic sheet, which is the same technology used for some camera lenses and Polaroid sunglasses. Polarisation creates an optical filter, blocking the light from certain angles; with screens, the light is blocked out from all angles except the one right in front of the screen. This means that the only person who can see what’s on the screen is the person sitting directly in front, and anyone viewing the screen from the top or sides will only see a blank, black screen. Using a privacy screen is an inexpensive and super-easy way to resolve privacy issues. Privacy filters mount to the screen of your laptop or computer monitor. Using innovative privacy technology, a privacy filter will ensure that you and only you can see the display on your screen. Strangers, competitors, and nosy co-workers will only see a black screen. Privacy filters have become extremely popular, and thousands of people and businesses around the world are now enjoying information privacy, and just as importantly – eye protection from glare!.
For further information please contact Data Direct on 01-2961000 or visit us at www.datadirect.ie

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